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Client Profile screen - overview

After adding a client to your MINDBODY software, the Client Profile screen is where you'll find all the information housed on their account. It's sorted into 14 base categories of collapsible text (up to 23 categories depending on which features are enabled), and you can use as many or as few features as you need.


Client profile sections explained

This section provides detailed information on every section of the Client Profile screen. We recommend looking here any time you need more information about a particular field or option.

To jump to a specific category, click on one of the links below:

Default Categories

Edit Name

  • Prospect: You can mark clients as prospects if you wish to track potential clients. Enable the Prospect Management and Sales Team Management features in the General Setup & Options screen under the Client Management section. Note: You can enable a setting that will mark all new clients as prospects if you wish.
  • Company(checkbox): You can set up a company with a "company profile." This is generally used for corporate accounts that pay for their employees in some nature. When a profile is marked as "Company," you may also set it up as a Third Party Payer.
  • ID Assign: You have the ability to change the client's ID number and/or assign it to a key tag or swipe card by clicking on Assign. To assign key tags or swipe cards, please enable the "ID Cards" feature in the General Setup & Options screen under the Client Management section. If a profile does not have an ID assigned, it will not show in searches, even from Advanced Client Lookup.
  • Prefix: Give the client a prefix such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or something else.
  • First Name: Enter the client's first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the client's last name.
  • Middle Name: If you wish to utilize the middle name feature, enter the client's middle name here.
  • Nickname: If you would like to give the client a nickname, do so here.
  • Company: The name of the company or corporate account.

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  • Email: This email address should match the client's address in the MINDBODY® app, should they choose to use it. You can click the envelope icon to open a new email in your browser's default mail client (e.g. Outlook).
  • Email icon (envelope): When clicked, an email will send from the email address that is logged during the browser session. It will not send from the SMTP email address set up in the General Setup & Options (GSO).
  • Login: Click the "Setup" link to set up your client's password, and send a welcome email.
  • Password: The client's password to log in to consumer mode will display if it has already been set up by you or the client online.
    • Edit: You can manually edit your client's password, and send a welcome email.
    • Check the Send Welcome Email box if you want the system to send your New Client Welcome (Business Mode) Auto Email to the client. Note: The checkbox will display and the email will be sent only if you have the auto email is enabled, and your customer has opted into the "Account management" email subscription.
  • Delete: If you wish to delete the client's login information.
  • Mobile phone: The client's mobile phone number. Note: The mobile phone is required in order to send schedule updates and reminders via text.
  • Home phone: If you wish to collect the client's home phone number.
  • Work phone: If you wish to collect the client's work number.
  • Work extension: Use this field if the client has a work number extension.
  • Subscriptions: Select the client's auto email notifications and marketing preferences:
    • Account management: Notifications regarding the client’s contracts or autopays.
    • Reminders and schedule changes: Notifications regarding services that the client has booked.
    • News and promos: Marketing communications sent to the client.
      • If the text box next to "News and promos" is grayed out, and your customer wishes to opt in, you'll need to ask them to log into their account online to check the box.
      • Your staff can opt your customers out of receiving "Text" at any time.
      • Due to differences in anti-spam laws, the "Email" box will default to checked for clients in the U.S., and default to unchecked for clients in other countries.
      • Your auto emails are divided into categories that are associated with your subscription preferences. Click here for more.

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  • Swipe ID to store address: If you have a credit card swiper, click the cursor into this field and then swipe the client's driver's license or identification card.
  • Address: The client's address.
  • Location: This determines which location your client visits most frequently and can help in filtering your reports. This option will only appear for multi-location businesses.

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Additional Information

  • Birthday: The client's birthday. If you would like, you can send them a birthday auto email. On the week of the client's birthday, a present icon will appear next to their name on the class sign-in screen.
  • Age: This field will be displayed if the client's birthday is saved to their profile.
  • Gender: There are multiple selections to choose from for the client's gender, or you can add a new gender type.
  • Liability not released: This checkbox informs you if your client has agreed to your liability waiver in consumer mode or had the release waived by you.
    • Print liability release: Prints a hardcopy of your current release, which should then be signed and added to your own records. The "print reliability release" option is a shortcut that prints your current reliability release for a client. It is not a document storage feature, and no historical records of your liability waivers are retained. In other words, the "print liability release" option prints your current liability waiver—not the waiver as it existed when the client originally signed it. Any changes made to the text of your liability waiver through General Setup & Options are instantly reflected in the printed waiver.

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  • Relationships: Client Relationships are a tool to help your staff track which clients are connected to each other either by a personal relationship or if one client pays for the other's services. Some relationships are only for informational purposes (e.g., "Father" or "Spouse"); while others are important for billing and membership information (e.g., "Pays for relationship" tells the system who pays for the client's purchases and "Shares pricing option" would allow the client use another client's pass to attend services). To learn more about Relationships click here.

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Billing Information

  • Billing information: Enter and store the client's billing information. If you have elected to utilize ACH, you may store it in the section on the right.
    • Copy from contact info: By selecting this link, the client's personal info such as name and address will automatically populate on the left side.
    • Swipe card to store: If you have a credit card swiper, place your mouse cursor into this field and then swipe the credit card in your credit card swiper. The rest of the information will automatically be entered.
    • ACH: This is a way to submit transactions using a bank account and routing number instead of a credit card.

Note: You need to press the Save button to store the information. Click here to learn more about adding credit card information.

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  • Photo: By default, a client's profile will have the option to upload one photo. This photo will be displayed next to the client's name on multiple screens within your software and in the Business app. Note: You can enable a second photo for client profiles. You can learn more about enabling that additional option in the Before and After photo section.

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Referred by

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Member status

  • Member status: This will let you know if the client holds an active membership in the software. To learn about the available statuses click here.
    • Active, Non-member, Expired, Suspended, Terminated, or Declined: The status of a client's membership can determine if a client can book services. You can change the client's status using the dropdown menu. You can learn more about the Member Status feature here.
  • Status log: Allows you to see how a client's membership status has changed.
  • Auto pays limit: You can set a limit to what will charge the client's ACH or credit card per autopay and the remaining amount will be charged to the client's account. For example, a client's monthly autopay is $200.00, they only want $150.00 to be charged to their credit card and they want the remaining $50.00 to be charged to their MINDBODY client account. Set the Auto Pays limit to $150.00.
  • Suspend client booking: This feature, Scheduling Suspensions, must be enabled in Client Management section of the General Setup & Options screen.
    • Suspension start date: The date you wish start the suspension to keep the client from booking.
    • Suspension end date: The date that the suspension will be lifted.

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  • History: Records related to the client's account. This is controlled by a setting in the General Setup and Options, called "Sales Team Management," and must be enabled to be seen.
  • View contact logs: This link will direct you to the client's contact logs page.
  • Profile creation date: The date this client's account was created.
  • Created by: The username that created the client's account.
  • First contact date: This is related to the Prospect Management feature. You can enter in a date that you first attempted to retain this person as a client.
  • Prospect close date: The date this client was considered an actual client and no longer a prospective client.
  • Contact logs #: Click the view contact logs link to go to the client's Contact Logs page.
  • Last log date: When the most recent contact log was created for this client.

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Client Types

  • Prerequisite Client Types: ILKB has a prerequisite which a client obtains during their first class. If a client is enrolled in a First Class and is signed in properly, this client type will automatically be assigned.

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  • Notes: Any notations you wish to make for the client. These notes are not visible to the client in consumer mode. You have well over 1000 character limit.

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  • Alert: A message you wish to document for the client.
  • STAFF ALERT: This alert should be used if your staff needs to be warned or informed of anything for this specific client.

Things to know:

  • To read these alerts, hover over the alert icon on the various pages they are displayed.
  • On the sign-in screen, STAFF ALERTS will be displayed to warn staff of any information.
  • To look up ALL alerts, go to the Advanced Client Lookup screen and use the filters.

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Emergency Contact Information

  • Emergency contact information: This is part of an added feature called Children's Programs that you can enable from the General Setup & Options screen under the Client Management section.
  • Name: The name of the emergency contact for the client.
  • Relationship: The relationship of the contact to the client.
  • Phone: The best number to reach the emergency contact.
  • Email: The email address for the contact.

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Before and after photos

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Reps: Refer to a client's sales rep in the Sales Team Management feature.

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Buttons and filters

  • Client: Displays basic client information.

1. Membership Icon
2. Client Name
3. Client ID Number (This number can be linked to a key tag or swipe card.)

  • Tagging icons:

4. Tag Add will add this client to an existing list of previously tagged clients.
5. Tag New will erase any previously tagged clients and start a new tagged list with this client.

  • First visit: The first visit the client had at your business documented through the MINDBODY Software.
  • Deactivate: This button will deactivate the client's profile and client account.
  • Save: If you make any changes to the client profile, you must click the Save button to keep them.
  • Tools: Use the Tools button to set the Client Profile screen as the default page when looking up a client or Merge duplicate client accounts.
  • View options: Each section is collapsible and expandable, and this preference can be saved per user. The collapsible sections have a memory that tries to keep what you consider important, expanded, and the stuff you don't use collapsed. Even if you log out of your MINDBODY site and log back in (using the same login), then the Profile screen still retains the memory of your previous session. This applies to all the profiles you may visit. The same sections that you expanded and saved in one profile will also show in other client profiles.

6. Collapse All: Use the Collapse All button, in the top-right corner of the screen, to minimize every section at once.
7. Save View: Open specific sections of the profile that you wish to see, then select Save View to keep these designated sections open as the default view when you open the client profile.
8. Expand All: Click the Expand All button to see all the information at once.

Note: Click the Training Movie icon at the top of the screen to launch a video tutorial. You can also view the Client Profile screen video tutorial here. Click the tipsy to view related content.

Profile submenu

Located at the top right of your client's profile screen, you can click on each of the submenu links to access more information on your client's activity.

  • Client Home: This screen gives you an overview and direct access to specific client details.
  • Profile: Your client profile screen is the central hub for all your client information, such as billing. Click here for the online tutorial.
  • Contact logs: Help you manage and keep track of what you talk to your clients about. Click here for the online tutorial.
  • Schedule: Displays upcoming appointments and/or reservations. Click here for the online tutorial.
  • Visits: Shows details of your client's attendance history. Click here for the online tutorials.
  • Purchases: View your client's purchase history and manage sales. Click here for the online tutorial.
  • Account Details: Displays your client's details for all purchased services, memberships, contracts and account debits or credits. Click here for the online tutorial.
  • Documents: Upload and save important documents into your client's accounts.

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