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System lists provide visibility into how many of your clients have chosen to receive communications from your business. They're automatically compiled and updated by the software on a daily basis according to every client's current opt-in settings. And while you can't manually edit these lists, you can use them in campaigns and automations to target large client groups en masse (e.g., sending an automation to everyone subscribed to texts).

Locating system lists

To locate your system lists:

  1. For Mindbody: Click the Marketing tab, then select Contact Lists or for Booker: Select the Marketing tab, then select the Marketing Suite sub tab, then select Contact Lists.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar to locate system lists.

System lists defined

Type Definition
All Marketing Interactions Last 14 Days This list shows all clients who've opened one of your marketing emails in the last two weeks. You can use the Email History report to see the result of each email open (e.g., if they booked an appointment, requested additional information, purchased an offer, and so on).
All Subscribers This list shows clients who have subscribed to at least one type of Marketing Suite communication. It includes clients from all of the following lists: Transactional Email Subscribed, Marketing Email Subscribed, Transactional Text Message Subscribed, Marketing Text Message Subscribed.
Marketing Email Subscribed This list tracks all clients who have opted to receive marketing emails from your business and have an email address on their account. You can use the totals shown here to see how many clients are currently eligible to receive a campaign, automation, or Smart Marketing offer by email.
Marketing Text Message Subscribed This list tracks all clients who have opted to receive marketing text messages and have a phone number on their account. You can use the totals shown here to see how many clients are currently eligible to receive an automation or Smart Marketing offer by text.
Transactional Email Subscribed This list tracks all clients who are subscribed to receive transactional emails from your business and have an email address on their account. Feedback and Reviews is the only transactional email in the Marketing Suite; everything else is considered a marketing communication.
Transactional Text Message Subscribed This list tracks all clients who are subscribed to receive transactional texts from your business and have a phone number on their account. Feedback and Reviews is the only transactional text message in the Marketing Suite; everything else is considered a marketing communication.